Cyber Security Articles & News

How to Prepare for Penetration Testing

Whether you’re conducting your organization’s very first penetration test or are simply getting your assets in order, it’s smart to understand everything that goes into preparing for the engagement.

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What is Red Team Pentesting?

If your company has invested in many penetration tests, you’re probably looking for more advanced ways of examining your security infrastructure. 

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An Inside Look Into Kevin Mitnick's Live Hacking Demonstrations

To be frank, a lot of cyber security presentations are, well… dull. 

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An Overview of the 2021 JBS Meat Supplier Ransomware Attack

Over the last weekend of May 2021, the world's largest meat supplier became a victim of a malicious cyber attack. 

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Social Engineering Training: What You're Really Paying For

Social engineering attacks are currently one of the most prominent cyberattacks plaguing organizations today. While many corporations try to implement state-of-the-art software to prevent this type of threat, the most crucial safeguard is often overlooked... End users, who are the first and last line of defense when it comes to social engineering attacks. 

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What is a Ransomware Attack?

It’s a normal work day— that is, until you receive an intriguing email from your boss asking you why an invoice was improperly paid. In the message, they seem angry, demanding to know why you approved this high-dollar transaction.

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Decoding Pentesting Report Lingo: The Ultimate Glossary

You know that penetration tests are important to run— and that more and more companies are integrating them into their annual cybersecurity initiatives.

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What is Multi-Factor Authentication & How Does it Work?

It seems that everything we use these days requires a password. From email and social media accounts to everything in between, we always need a password to gain access. 

But it isn't as simple as just coming up with one password and using it for everything. At least, it would be best if you weren't doing that...

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How Social Engineers Use Your Digital Footprint Against You

Think of all the publicly accessible information about your business that’s published on the web— from your corporate social media accounts to your very own website. 

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What’s It Like to Work With a Computer Security Expert Witness?

Uh oh. Somehow you’ve found yourself in the middle of a security breach— and worse still, in legal trouble because of it. 

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