How a Cybersecurity Speaker Can Provide Value in 2021

Another year has come and went. But this time, many of us are more than glad it’s finally over! 

There’s no doubt that the pandemic made 2020 a challenging year for countless industries. Many were forced to quickly shift to remote operations to stay afloat— creating an entirely new threat landscape in the process.

Despite many businesses’ best efforts to improve their security infrastructure to mitigate work-from-home risks, cyber criminals aren’t being defeated. They’re just finding smarter ways to get in. 

These pandemic-exploiters’ relentless efforts have spurred an increasing need for better security awareness training. But it’s not all online tests and security certifications. As more businesses scramble to educate their users on the dangers of remote work, more and more companies are booking cybersecurity speakers to host digital seminars.

And we can’t blame them. As far as employee security training is concerned, hiring a cybersecurity speaker is a fantastic start to hardening your security in 2021. 

Here are a few ways a security speaker could help your business this year:

A cybersecurity speaker can educate your team about the most recent cyber scams.


While you know cyber threats evolve rapidly, you may be surprised by how rapidly they’re advancing nowadays. From 2020 into 2021 especially, cyber criminals have been capitalizing on new hacking techniques centered around COVID-19.

The shift in working environments has only added fuel to their social engineering attack fire, orchestrating clever pandemic phishing schemes, leveraging newfound remote vulnerabilities and even planning physical breaches of abandoned offices.

Check out our Hacking Technique Predictions for 2021 for a sneak peek into some threats to look out for in cybersecurity seminars.

And that’s not all. The right cybersecurity speaker should not only be up-to-date on these latest techniques, they should be focusing their presentations on education around these evolving threats. When booking a speaker for your next event, be sure to ask to see their presentation deck and ensure it’s inclusive of relevant, modern scenarios.

Live hacks will “show not tell” your team what to look out for— boosting engagement.


There’s no doubt that keeping up with recent exploits can empower your team with the insight they need to recognize emerging scams. But there’s a difference between knowing and experiencing something first-hand. While your team members won’t be hacked in real-time, they can watch a hacker in action during a live demonstration. 

Because conference cancellations forced a shift to virtual events in 2020, many cybersecurity experts adapted their usual in-person presentations for the online webinar medium. While we’re still unsure if in-person demonstrations will make a comeback in 2021, one thing is for sure: virtual events will hold strong.

To win over an audience’s attention behind a screen, cybersecurity speakers need to combine education with entertainment. A speaker who can tell captivating stories that help an audience better understand real-world examples and display hacks live is sure to leave a lasting impression and be a worthwhile investment in your security budget this year.

Cybersecurity presentations that end with a Q&A invite curiosity. 


While educating your team on cybersecurity best practices, people may have questions. Sometimes IT can offer answers, but employees may feel embarrassed to bother them. 

A designated cybersecurity event with a Question & Answer session at the end directly encourages individuals to come forward and dig deeper. During these important one-on-one discussions, your team can clear up any confusion or clarify what they’ve learned— something traditional training videos or courses can’t offer. 

With so many live, interactive events being replaced by recordings, it’s even more important to choose a security speaker who (at the very least) is engaged in a live Q&A wrap-up.

As an added bonus, security webinars can be used for lead generation.


While educating your team on the dangers of cyber threats is in itself a big win, your security presentation could act as more than awareness training alone.

If you are planning on opening your virtual event to a wider audience by hosting a webinar, consider all the ways you could convert the right prospects. This may involve a little research into your ideal personas and some know-how on targeted advertising— but in the end, the hard work could pay off.

Considering hosting a lead gen-focused webinar? Here are 5 tips to get you started!

Impress your employees, partners, and prospects alike with a well-needed cybersecurity lesson in 2021.

Your Event is Only as Valuable as Your Speaker

While you may do all the right things to host and plan an incredible cybersecurity event, booking an unimpressive speaker can undermine your best efforts.

Choosing a security speaker is no simple task, but we like to think we made it a little easier by putting together a helpful guidebook...

In our Choosing the Right CyberSecurity Keynote Speaker ebook, we detail a few tips for picking a dynamite presenter. Some of which are sure to come in handy. Download your very own copy for free, today.

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