We Need to Talk About NIST’s Dropped Password Management Recommendations

Passwords and their protection are among the most fundamental, essential aspects of enterprise data security. They also make up the bane of most users’ relationships with their enterprise devices, resources and assets. It seems no matter how stringent or lax your password policy is, the directive will be met with dissension from a significant portion of your staff. It’s frustrating for everyone — the IT department, C-suite and employees.

Recently, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reversed its stance on

Source: Security Intelligence

Topics: Speaking Engagements, 2FA, Biometric Security, Two-Factor Authentication, Fraud Prevention, Password, Password Management, Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training, Multifactor Authentication (MFA, Password Reuse, Kevin Mitnick

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Kevin offers three excellent presentations, two are based on his best-selling books. His presentations are akin to technology magic shows that educate and inform while keeping people on the edge of their seats. He offers expert commentary on issues related to information security and increases “security awareness.”

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