Cyber Security Articles & News

Everything You Need to Know About National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Every October, people all across the U.S. celebrate a month full of cybersecurity awareness and education. 

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The Top 5 Most Famous Ransomware Attacks

Cybercriminals everywhere are demanding thousands to millions of dollars to unlock the technology they’ve attacked and compromised. This type of malware attack earned itself the name ransomware for the high ransoms bad actors require to release devices, applications, or data.

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How Technology is Changing the Future of Social Engineering

Social engineering is not a new concept; in fact, it was said to have originated in 1184 BC with the legendary tale of the Trojan Horse. But since the evolution of technology, we've come a long way from hiding in wooden horses…

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The Main Types of Ransomware & How to Spot the Difference

Ransomware attacks have been flooding the news over the last few years— and in this past year especially. 

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5 Benefits of Virtual Cyber Security Events that In-Person Events Don't Offer

If you are looking to book a cyber security speaker, there’s a strong chance you are considering a digital broadcast. After all, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it nearly impossible for event planners to host in-person events. 

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Social Engineering Terms Explained (with Examples!)

You’ve been told you need social engineering training, but as soon as you start researching what social engineering is, you’re hit with all these confusing terms and abbreviations.

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An Overview of Kaseya: The “Biggest Ransomware Attack on Record”

If the year 2021 was a cyberattack, we’d have to crown it, “The King of Ransomware.” That’s because this past year has been downright riddled with cybercriminals demanding a ransom to unlock seized systems.

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5 Reasons to Enable Company-Wide Multi-Factor Authentication

Are you only using multi-factor authentication (MFA) because you've been told over and over that you need to? If you are, you’re not alone. Many organizations adopt an MFA policy to be more secure, yet are still unsure as to how it works and why their company needs it so badly.

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6 Questions to Ask Before Beginning Red Team Pentesting

If you’ve conducted a few successful penetration tests already, you may be wondering, “what’s next?”

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What You Get When You Invest in Social Engineering Testing with Mitnick Security

You’ve educated your team on the dangers of cybercriminals by putting them through social engineering training. 

But was the investment worth it? Did your employees actually learn how to recognize a phishing email, how to craft and use stronger passwords and how to better protect your systems?

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