Cyber Security Articles & News

Year in Review: What We Learned Speaking at Virtual Cyber Security Events in 2020

Here we are: another year in the books. Twenty twenty however, has been one unlike any other… to say the least!

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5 Tips for Choosing a Cyber Security Speaker for a Lead Gen Webinar

The right speaker for your cybersecurity webinar can help you capture higher-quality leads by building trust between your audience and your company. On the other hand, the wrong speaker can bring in the wrong types of leads or cause the right ones to lose interest in your brand. 

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Disinformation, The Election & Cybersecurity

During this election season, disinformation campaigns have been so prevalent that the NY Times has a live-updating feed of the latest falsehoods and misleading statements circulating online. Fake news, it seems, abounds. 

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How to Avoid Holiday Scams & Social Engineering Tricks at Work

While you’re out looking for incredible shopping deals this holiday season, cyberattackers are hunting for clever ways to trick unsuspecting users. 

These bad attackers know that the holidays are a busy time for corporations— and while some tech-savvy breachers leverage the chaos to target a company’s technical vulnerabilities, many capitalize on human security weaknesses. 

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Defining the Framework for a Successful Pentest Attack

While there are different types of pentests, with every pen test consisting of four main phases— planning, pre-attack, attack, and post-attack— few realize the extent of work that goes into the pre-attack phase. Just as even the best-built house will crumble without a solid foundation, penetration testers must do their due diligence in the beginning to sell successful exploits. 

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The Top 5 Most Famous Social Engineering Attacks of the Last Decade

There’s something both humbling and terrifying about watching industry giants like Twitter and Target fall victim to cyber attacks.

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4 Ways to Combine Education & Entertainment at Your Next Corporate Event

Imagine two types of events: the company Christmas party and the quarterly mandated security awareness training. 

We can guess which one you are looking forward to the most. We have all attended our fair share of impersonal or unexciting corporate events. But while teaching employees about cyber threats is crucial in maintaining a healthy security posture, keeping employees' attention during these events can be challenging. 

Many companies seem to struggle when blending the enjoyment of a get-together, such as a celebration, with the educational aspect of a training or company meeting.

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Spear Phishing & Targeted Email Scams: What You Need to Know About this Hacking Technique

Most companies tell their employees to be on the lookout for email scams, yet not all take the time to educate their team on what these malicious messages look like.

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An Overview of the 2020 UHS Ransomware Attack

This past weekend, the Fortune 500 hospital and healthcare services provider Universal Health Services (UHS) fell victim to an immobilizing ransomware attack.

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What is Penetration Testing?

A penetration test is a simulated cyber attack against your nonmalicious computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. It’s a series of targeted nonmalicious attacks, intended to breach your cybersecurity defenses. The difference between a pentest and a real attack, however, is that penetration tests are conducted by ethical security professionals, who keep any extracted data private and ultimately help you improve your security posture. 

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