Cyber Security Articles & News

Social Engineering Attacks: What You Need to Know

Hackers use clever ploys to trick you into disclosing personal information— all with the end goal of acquiring sensitive data or money. These ‘social engineers’ gather intel on you and use social tactics to manipulate and deceive you into granting them entry into your systems.

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8 Things to Consider When Booking a Speaker for a Virtual Event

The COVID-19 pandemic is spurring major changes for many businesses, some more than others. Live events and future bookings— as a prime example— have come to a grinding halt, leaving professional speakers stageless nationwide.

But to say keynote speakers are without a platform to stand on? That’s inaccurate. While in-person speeches have stopped, virtual events are alive and growing— boasting record-high crowds of home-bound attendees.

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5 Cyber Privacy Concerns and Ways to Enhance Your Personal Security

With social isolation sweeping the nation, businesses are rapidly switching to remote operations. Now more than ever before, we’re all using personal and company devices and new apps to work from home, triggering privacy concerns from IT pros and end users themselves.

But how do you know you’re truly safeguarded when using your work device remotely? How about when using your own personal computer, tablet, or smartphone?

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4 Ways Hackers Use Social Engineering to Trick Your Employees (& You!)

Companies of all sizes are victimized by clever hackers regularly. Business email compromise (BEC) often occur simply because a smooth criminal posed as a trusted source.

You may have heard of the term “social engineering” before, and that’s essentially what it is: malicious “social engineers” using manipulation, deception and influence to persuade an employee or contractor into unwittingly disclosing secure information— or to perform an action which grants unauthorized access to your information systems.

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Endpoint Security and Remote Work: 5 Considerations for Remote Users

Amidst this uncertain time, CEOs everywhere are faced with an unnerving decision: to switch to remote operations or to close their doors. While the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is certainly prompting more businesses to adopt temporary work-from-home policies, remote work was already growing in popularity for its diverse benefits

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2 Ways Hackers May Trick You Using COVID-19 Phishing Schemes

The outpouring responses from those affected by COVID-19 has been both inspiring and heartwarming. Many companies are rising above these trying times by donating a sizable profits to causes in need. Others limited on resources are doing all they can to empower their customers, such as offering free shipping, inspiring their followers on social media, and participating in empathetic marketing campaigns.

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How a Cybersecurity Keynote Speech Can Empower Your Audience

Have you been considering hiring a keynote speaker to educate event attendees or your staff on the latest cyber threats? Businesses everywhere are investing in these workshop-like in-person and virtual seminars and teaching their audience all about recent hacking tactics. Attendees leave with insights into the latest industry-accepted security best practices, expertly advised by some of the best cyber professionals in the business.

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5 Ways to Secure Your Workforce When Working From Home

The world has changed in the last few weeks. The novel coronavirus has turned business on its head, with organizations across the globe shuttering headquarters and enabling teams to work remotely. Many have adapted, quickly, to this change, but IT leaders have had to focus on how and perhaps have not yet had the opportunity to ask, “How secure?” This question is essential, and these strategies will help you educate your organization and ensure security in this new work reality. 

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The Latest Malware Threat: The USB Ninja Cable

You just updated your laptop with the latest virus definitions and security patches and you think, “there we go, I’m safe now!”

Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily true. Cybercriminals and hackers are always thinking of clever, new ways to exploit your devices— and you have to be perpetually vigilant. 

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