Cyber Security Articles & News

The Top Hacking Techniques All CISOs Should Educate Remote Users About

There’s no arguing that 2020 was a challenging year for an overwhelming number of industries across the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many companies to explore new business models, both in product and service offering and in the internal structure of operations.

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What is ATT&CK and How Can It Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats

In the cybersecurity community, there always seems to be a new acronym to learn. ATT&CK, however, has been a well-respected model that many professionals have stood behind for years.

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An Overview of the 2020 Garmin Ransomware Attack

Last week, Garmin users experienced an outage in service as the result of a malicious cyber attack.

Let’s review the incident, looking at what the hackers did and how Garmin handled the situation to glean valuable lessons from the incident.

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Lessons from Penetration Testing: 7 Real-World Findings

The internet today is swarming with cybercriminals just waiting for the right opportunity to gain a foothold into your organization's network. One of the best ways to stay ahead is to find your organization's weak spots before cyber criminals do. 

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4 Lessons Learned from the Top Data Breach Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements

It’s always news when corporations have security breaches. This is especially true whenever malicious hackers gain access into a company’s internal databases to steal information— such as credit card or bank details, personal health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), trade secrets of corporations or intellectual property. Often, these data breaches can lead to lawsuits and other legal action against the victim company. 

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The 2020 Twitter Bitcoin Scam: How it Happened and Key Lessons from Whitehat Hacker Kevin Mitnick

Just yesterday, the notable social media platform Twitter and a number of its high-profile users fell victim to a flashy Bitcoin scam. 

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8 Password Security Tips from Kevin Mitnick for Better Login Protection

When is the last time you truly considered your password strength and security? While password cracks don’t make the news quite as often as other breaches, they can compromise your systems all-the-same.

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Why Penetration Testing is More Important than Ever in 2020

Early 2020 has been an unprecedented year for businesses, not only across our great nation, but the world at large. Enterprises big and small have shut their doors— and for those that require a storefront or face-to-face interactions to deliver products and services, operations may have come to a grinding halt.

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How to Plan & Host an Incredible Virtual Event

With stage events coming to a dramatic halt during the COVID-19 pandemic, event planners and speakers are forced to pivot. To stay agile during this uncertain time, many companies are beginning to host virtual events

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Tips for Event Planners Booking a Speaker for a Virtual Conference

As an event planner looking to host a virtual conference, you want to hire engaging talent to entertain your digital audience. 

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