Cyber Security Articles & News

Are Social Engineering Attacks on the Rise?

The short answer is: YES. Social engineering attacks are on the rise, and these attacks from bad actors could threaten your organization. 

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Top Techniques Used by Social Engineers

Social engineers use new techniques daily to gain unauthorized access to private systems and servers. But while new tactics are ever-arising, many “tried and true” techniques remain consistent. After all, when something works, why change it?

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How Social Engineering Can Affect an Organization

Organizations around the world are enrolled in security awareness training programs and taught to look out for cybercriminals who are using a hacking technique called social engineering

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How Technology is Changing the Future of Social Engineering

Social engineering is not a new concept; in fact, it was said to have originated in 1184 BC with the legendary tale of the Trojan Horse. But since the evolution of technology, we've come a long way from hiding in wooden horses…

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What You Get When You Invest in Social Engineering Testing with Mitnick Security

You’ve educated your team on the dangers of cybercriminals by putting them through social engineering training. 

But was the investment worth it? Did your employees actually learn how to recognize a phishing email, how to craft and use stronger passwords and how to better protect your systems?

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Social Engineering Training: What You're Really Paying For

Social engineering attacks are currently one of the most prominent cyberattacks plaguing organizations today. While many corporations try to implement state-of-the-art software to prevent this type of threat, the most crucial safeguard is often overlooked... End users, who are the first and last line of defense when it comes to social engineering attacks. 

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How Social Engineers Use Your Digital Footprint Against You

Think of all the publicly accessible information about your business that’s published on the web— from your corporate social media accounts to your very own website. 

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An Overview of the 2021 Vulnerability Researchers Hack

If you thought 2020 was a big year for social engineering schemes— watch out! Twenty twenty one is coming in hot.

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How to Avoid Holiday Scams & Social Engineering Tricks at Work

While you’re out looking for incredible shopping deals this holiday season, cyberattackers are hunting for clever ways to trick unsuspecting users. 

These bad attackers know that the holidays are a busy time for corporations— and while some tech-savvy breachers leverage the chaos to target a company’s technical vulnerabilities, many capitalize on human security weaknesses. 

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The Top 5 Most Famous Social Engineering Attacks of the Last Decade

There’s something both humbling and terrifying about watching industry giants like Twitter and Target fall victim to cyber attacks.

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