Cyber Security Articles & News

Understanding the Scope of A Penetration Test

Penetration testing puts your security systems to the test so you can see if your security framework can withstand a cyber attack.

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PCI Testing: Everything You Need To Know

Penetration testing is crucial for businesses to help ensure that their security posture will stand against threat actors. For businesses that handle credit and debit card information, keeping data secure is all the more important, as the financial services industry was the second-highest-targeted sector by hackers in 2022.

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The 4 Phases of Penetration Testing

So, you’ve done your research on penetration testing and are ready for the pentest engagement. But before you choose just any pentesting vendor, it’s vital that you understand the ins and outs of a penetration test engagement, including its four main phases.

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What is Web Application Penetration Testing?

Is your company in the process of developing a new application? There are a lot of moving parts involved in developing and deploying cutting-edge applications, whether they are internal apps designed for employee use or external, public-facing apps. 

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Before Choosing a Penetration Testing Company, Ask These 5 Questions

Whether your organization has been the victim of a recent data breach or has never had expert penetration testing done before, it’s probably time to call in cybersecurity experts. The right cybersecurity company can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your networks and systems so you can improve your security posture and stay ahead of threat actors. 

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User Deception: The Biggest Cyber Threat CISOs are Forgetting

As a CISO, you're always looking for the next big breakthrough to increase your organization's overall security posture. 

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6 FAQs From CISOs About the Pentesting Process

As a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), you have the responsibility of not only directing your organization’s security but also conveying your risk status to leadership. The stakes are high. According to Cybersecurity Magazine, 60% of small businesses go out of business within six months of falling victim to a data breach or cyber attack.

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What You Get When You Invest in Mitnick Red Team Pentesting

A data breach can have extremely negative impacts on businesses, including financial losses as well as harm to their reputation with clients, customers, and workers.

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Cyber Security Penetration Testing for Multinational Corporations


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External Network Penetration Testing: FAQs You Should Know

According to Forbes, “every company is now a reachable target” for threat actors. Advanced measures — such as penetration testing — have become a valuable component of cybersecurity for many organizations worldwide that seek to harden their security posture and stop threat actors in their tracks. 

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