Cyber Security Articles & News

E-mails that want your property

Companies around the world are becoming victims of scammers who take the identities of entrepreneurs. In Canada, this means that billions of dollars are lost each year.

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What Werner Herzog’s new film ‘Lo and Behold’ reveals about the internet

As the internet makes its way into more aspects of our everyday lives, Werner Herzog takes a closer look at the ethics of information flows in a new documentary. Alexander Nazaryan meets the German filmmaker  
Do not look at the photos of the Nikki Catsouras car crash that remain on the internet, lingering there maliciously despite the efforts of her parents to scrub them through ReputationDefender and, more simply, pleas to human decency. Look at pictures of Rollerblading dachshunds, click through a BuzzFeed quiz about Full House, read an article about Donald Trump’s grooming habits. Take a walk, for God’s sake. The photos of Catsouras’s mangled body hanging out of a car, head split open – as well as the story of how those photos ended up being disseminated on the internet – represent the most debased instincts of humanity. I gave in and looked, thinking they couldn’t be that bad. I was wrong.

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Hacker exposes weakest links in corporate chain

American poacher turned gamekeeper demonstrates the tech tricks of his trade

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Former Professional Hacker Talks About The Business

Kevin Mitnick was arrested in 1995 for hacking into 40 of the biggest companies in the Unites States. Among these were IBM, Nokia, and Motorola.

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Notorious former hacker reveals how criminals can steal your details in just THREE easy steps when y

In a worrying demonstration that is sure to frighten frequent Wi-Fi users, former infamous hacker Kevin Mitnick shows how easy it is to steal your details in a public area.

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Hackers can steal your info in three easy steps when you use public Wi-Fi

Are you always on the hunt for open public hotspots to save on data costs? Or perhaps you are on the road and you need an internet connection to quickly check on remote documents on your work laptop.

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Movies with Meaning

It’s almost inconceivable to think of life without the Internet. As if out of nowhere, this remarkable technology quietly emerged from modest beginnings and proceeded to explode, revolutionizing the world in countless ways – as well as in countless ways we have yet to imagine. But, given how unexpectedly this remarkable phenomenon arose, not to mention how it has come to so completely dominate many aspects of our lives, are we fully aware of its current influence and potential future impact? Those ideas are among the many raised in director Werner Herzog’s thoughtful new documentary, “Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World” 

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Cyber security adviser Kevin Mitnick demonstrates how easy it is to hack into a bank account using a fake Wi-Fi network:

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Four Corners “Cyber War” on Vimeo

Cyber security adviser Kevin Mitnick demonstrates how easy it is to hack into a bank account using a fake wifi network

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Are things really as bad as the ABC Four Corners’ Cyber War documentary makes out?

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Four Corners' Cyber War program, aired tonight, highlighted the personal, commercial and national threats posed by hackers and a general preparedness on all things cyber security.

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