Cyber Security Articles & News

NEW CARTOON: How Kevin Mitnick Stole the Source Code for the Best Cell Phone of 1992

While on the run from the feds, Kevin Mitnick stole the source code of the Motorola MicroTAC Ultralite, the most advanced cellphone at the time, with a few phone calls.

n 1992, Kevin Mitnick was on the run from the cops, one of the most wanted men in the United States, and certainly the most wanted hacker. He was living in Denver under a pseudonym, and was very worried about government surveillance.

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LO AND BEHOLD: Werzog’s newest exploration

Lo and Behold, Reveries From a Connected World is Werner Herzog's latest cinematic project, one that takes the viewer through the history of the internet, in details you wouldn't possibly imagine. The past, present and future of our digital interactions are scrutinised and philosophised upon by the director himself, as we've come to expect from his previous films such as Grizzly Bear, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, Into the Abyss. The film is divided into chapters, each taking into consideration both the amazement and the darkness of such a monumental invention.

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