Cyber Security Articles & News

Kevin Mitnick gives tips to be on the internet “invisible”

Whomever wants to be "invisible" on the Internet would be wise to encrypt emails and use the Tor network, so advises the famous former hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick . He was once the most wanted hacker in the world and was eventually sentenced to a prison term of five years for breaking into several large companies.

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BOOK REVIEW: The Art of Invisibility

I recently had the opportunity to read an early version of the Art of Invisibility by Kevin Mitnick and wanted to share some of my thoughts on the book and what it may mean to you.  First off, while there are some anecdotal stories, this is no novel.  This is mostly a book about what is happening in today’s data driven world and connected gadgets.  The book shares what you can do to stay obscured in the times when everything you do is cataloged and stored.

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