Cyber Security Articles & News

INSIDE TRENDS held, the most important conference in Central and Eastern Europe

(Editor's Note: Translated from Polish using Google Translator)

Business Insider International Conference "INSIDE TRENDS" dedicated to the trends that shapes future markets in Fintek, Business 4.0 and Science and Medicine was held on October 18 and 19 in Warsaw. 80 speakers from various parts of the world and around 1,400 participants followed lectures, panels and workshops that talked about how new technologies would change the banking sector, the world of finance, industry and human life.

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wbj - Inside Trends – The most important conference in the CEE region

The international Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS conference devoted to trends that will shape the markets of the future in the following areas: FinTech, Business 4.0 and LifeScience, was held on 18 and 19 October. 80 speakers from all over the world and approximately 1,400 participants attended talks and workshops during which we found out how the banking sector, the world of finance, the industry and human life will change as a result of the implementation of new technologies.

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