INSIDE TRENDS held, the most important conference in Central and Eastern Europe

(Editor's Note: Translated from Polish using Google Translator)

Business Insider International Conference "INSIDE TRENDS" dedicated to the trends that shapes future markets in Fintek, Business 4.0 and Science and Medicine was held on October 18 and 19 in Warsaw. 80 speakers from various parts of the world and around 1,400 participants followed lectures, panels and workshops that talked about how new technologies would change the banking sector, the world of finance, industry and human life.

The conference was held in "Centrum Praskie Koneser" in Warsaw. The organizer was Biznis Insajder Poland.

Among the 80 speakers, they were key people from the world of business, experts in fintech, science and medicine and digital business. In addition to panels and presentations, visitors to the INSIDE TRENDS conference were followed by workshops and debates that were simultaneously held in three scenes. The first one was dedicated to fintek, durage science and medicine and the third business 4.0.

One of the outstanding experts who spoke at the conference was Kevin Mitnick, the most famous hacker in the world, who opened the second day of the INSIDE TREND conference with his presentation on the principles of security in companies. The day before, on the first day of the conference, Lars Silberbauer spoke through the example of LEGA and the presentation "Building a Digital Value for Brick by Brick" to talk about how the brand for which it became the most popular on the morning of the world.

"The two-day conference was filled with knowledge and networking with people who really have an impact on how the world is changing. We've got what we usually lack in similar conferences, and that's above all practical knowledge and a recipe for success in the business. It was INSIDE TRENDS in both directions. In addition, a lot of emotion and interconnection enabled many visitors to the conference to establish business relationships that will benefit them in the future, "says Lukas Gras, editor-in-chief of Business Insider Poland." Our speakers did not just talk about the theory already based on their own experience, demonstrated that revolution and evolution are present in many areas, in banking, and in general in financial services, transport and industry.

One of the highlights of the conference was a science and medicine scene where we managed to connect emotions and science. Already at the start of the conference, I was confident that INSIDE TRENDS will be one of the biggest events in Central and Eastern Europe with numerous valuable insights and messages. During the conference, I realized that the amount of quality information exchanged by the speakers with the visitors would make it the number one event of the season. And I believe that the majority of visitors and participants of the INSIDE TRENDS conference agree with the statement by Mihela Magaš that modern companies do not foresee the future by their work, but design and create it, "said the editor-in-chief of Business Insider. I realized that the amount of quality information exchanged by the speakers with the visitors would make this the number one event of the season. And I believe that the majority of visitors and participants of the INSIDE TRENDS conference agree with the statement by Mihela Magaš that modern companies do not foresee the future by their work, but design and create it, "said the editor-in-chief of Business Insider. I realized that the amount of quality information exchanged by the speakers with the visitors would make this the number one event of the season. And I believe that the majority of visitors and participants of the INSIDE TRENDS conference agree with the statement by Mihela Magaš that modern companies do not foresee the future by their work, but design and create it, "said the editor-in-chief of Business Insider.

"We are extremely proud of how much this conference was popular - we hosted more than 1,400 visitors! We can officially announce that next year's second Inside Trends Conference will be held, "said Martina Majhasak, Director of Digital Publishing Ringier Aksel Springer Poland.

One of the speakers of the science and medicine scene was Mihela Magas, founder and creative director of "Musik Tek Fest" who proved that disability is not an obstacle for a person to become an expert in some area. Johnson Carrier of the Aeromobiles spoke on the Mobility in the Future panel about flying cars and means of transport that people will use in the future. Anja Rubik, a well-paced top model and social activist, has shown that, thanks to her popularity, she can do great things and educate young people. Another speaker was Kristina Cvetanova, founder of BITLAB company that made the first tablet for blind and visually impaired.

Visitors to the scene of business 4.0 could have participated in debates led by the leaders of the organizations Digital Switzerland, Digital Poland and Digital Serbia - Mark Valder, Aleksander Kutela and Nebojsa Djurdjevic who talked about the economic race between the US, China and Europe. Tony Cheng of Alibaba Cloud DAH discussed the impact of large data and artificial intelligence on the growth of the Alibaba platform. Among the speakers was Andreas Gal, head of innovation at Red Bull and Feliks Oberholzer-Ge from Harvard Business School.

On the fintec scene, the speakers were Karol Sadaj, General Director of "Revolut" for Poland who spoke about the effect of Fintea on the traditional banking sector. Mihal Protaziuk from "Gugl" talked about shopping and e-commerce industry, while Arkadius Vojcik of "Samsunga" talked about the role of open ecosystems in mobile business solutions.

8 key items from the Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS conference

  1. Leaders who want to succeed must be inspired and must combine many different sectors at the same time. They also have to trust their teams. Mark Dekan, Managing Director of Ringier Aksel Springer Poland said that without this other it is not possible to establish an effective relationship with employees and the environment.
  2.  Social networks are no longer just another addition to the marketing strategy of the business. With blocked and large data, they become a trigger for change. That's why LEGO is so big on social networks, explained Lars Silberbauer.
  3.  In a time of rapid technological advancement, we can not only look at Western Repeaters values (UK or USA). One of the fastest developing markets in the area of IoT and AI is China. In 2000, 95% of the world's largest companies were in the US and the EU. According to estimates, in 2025 the Chinese market will be larger than the US and EU markets together. Mark Valder, Aleksander Kutela and Nebojsa Djurdjevic have pointed out that Europe must be involved in the tech race that is currently dominated by Americans and Chinese.
  4.  More and more industries, such as financial services or medicine, use artificial intelligence and its tools. The robots are already doing diagnostic testing and, as Felix Oberholzer-Ge pointed out at Harvard Business School, more and more jobs have been done by people every now and then. This does not mean losing jobs but creating new ones for new business areas.
  5.  Fintek will not completely replace traditional banking, but banks will have to change the way they come to their clients and even rely more on online financial platforms.
  6.  The fourth industrial revolution has arrived. This means that in one service we get knowledge and experience. Such products are created by IoT as well as AI. The fourth industrial revolution consists of digital representation (digital twin). Aleksander Ponivjerski from EY says that for the understanding of the Fourth Industrial Revolution we have to accurately interpret the motivation of the Generation Z. The question we need to answer is: what influences them to create and act?
  7.  We are all more and more prone to cybercrime. The company's slowness must be one of the priorities of the management. However, as Kevin Mitnik said, the biggest threat is not from technology, but from people and organization. That is why real training is essential for the company.
  8.  Modern medicine, which uses the benefits of technology, offers people with disabilities or those suffering from various diseases the opportunity to function normally. Devices such as nanorobots destroy cancer cells, dental prostheses are now being made, and people with paralysis as a result of a stroke can walk again thanks to the right stimulation of their brain.

About the Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS conference

Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS is a platform that discusses global market trends. During the event, global voice experts discussed the transformation of the modern financial market, media, new technologies, medicine and health, and burning issues that will break into the business world in the coming years. INSIDE TRENDS is one of the most important events dedicated to business trends in Central and Eastern Europe. The Business Insider Conference INSIDE TRENDS has visited nearly 1,400 people from the world of business, marketing, science and the media who have had the opportunity to find themselves in the same place in the same place and exchange their knowledge and experiences.

To view the original article and other interesting news items, please refer to the source.

Source: BLIC

Topics: Speaking Engagements, tecnology, Warsaw, Poland, finance, Fintek, human life, industry, Inside Trends, Kristina Cvetanova, Musik Tek Fest, Science, Lars Lilberbauer, Medicine, Mihela Magas, Business 4.0, banking sector, BITLAB, Kevin Mitnick, LEGA

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