Cyber Security Articles & News

Redefining Your Enterprise’s Cyber Security Posture During Mergers & Acquisitions

With 3,205 data compromises occurring in 2023 alone, fortifying your enterprise’s cybersecurity posture is more important than ever.

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How Long Will It Take To Recoup From a Data Breach?

While many think of the steps needed to avoid a data breach, it’s equally important to think about the steps your business would need to take in the wake of one.

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New SEC Regulations Regarding Data Breaches

On December 18, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) introduced new regulations for organizations regarding response procedures in the event of a data breach.

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The True Cost of a Data Breach: What You Need To Know

Data breaches are one of the most dangerous security incidents a company can experience, leaving affected organizations with negative repercussions that last well beyond the remediation period. With data breaches on the rise, it’s vital to ensure your enterprise’s network is fortified to protect against these catastrophic attacks.

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Lessons Learned From GoDaddy's 2021 Data Breach

The American internet domain registrar and web hosting company GoDaddy recently made the news for the latest 2021 security breach. 

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An Overview of the 2021 Twitch Live Streaming Data Breach

Online video gamers everywhere had their eyes and ears on the news, curious to learn more about their popular live streaming service Twitch and its recent data breach. 

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4 Lessons Learned from the Top Data Breach Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements

It’s always news when corporations have security breaches. This is especially true whenever malicious hackers gain access into a company’s internal databases to steal information— such as credit card or bank details, personal health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), trade secrets of corporations or intellectual property. Often, these data breaches can lead to lawsuits and other legal action against the victim company. 

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