Cyber Security Articles & News

“On access and very pissed federal agents.” The most famous hacker in the world reveals the backstage of his work

Kevin Mitnick, a pseudonym of Condor, the most famous hacker in the world. is one of the few editors who managed to conduct an interview with a star in the cybersecurity industry

This is about a story about passion, unauthorized access and very pissed off federal agents - describes the biographer Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker. Suffice it to say that the man's antics in the late 1980s and early 1990s caused fears that Mitnick might break into NORAD and whistle to the phone to fire a nuclear attack. In an interview with, he reveals how he managed to make these spectacular burglaries.

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EVENT REVIEW: Use of emotions, the most effective weapon to perform a cyber attack

For Kevin Mitnick, the hacker who in the 90s put the FBI in check, a super-cyberarm is not necessary to effectively undermine any system, rather simple gadgets and the use of social engineering are enough.

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