Cyber Security Articles & News

The Perks of Being a White Hat Hacker

The term “hacking” carries so many negative implications in the corporate world that few companies can perceive hackers as a force for good. Many erstwhile criminal hackers have discovered, however, that their skills are transferrable to that corporate world and that they can use those skills on the positive side of the law to develop careers as cybersecurity analysts.  Some of the more notorious black hat hackers from the past several years have successfully made this transition.

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What Werner Herzog’s new film ‘Lo and Behold’ reveals about the internet

As the internet makes its way into more aspects of our everyday lives, Werner Herzog takes a closer look at the ethics of information flows in a new documentary. Alexander Nazaryan meets the German filmmaker  
Do not look at the photos of the Nikki Catsouras car crash that remain on the internet, lingering there maliciously despite the efforts of her parents to scrub them through ReputationDefender and, more simply, pleas to human decency. Look at pictures of Rollerblading dachshunds, click through a BuzzFeed quiz about Full House, read an article about Donald Trump’s grooming habits. Take a walk, for God’s sake. The photos of Catsouras’s mangled body hanging out of a car, head split open – as well as the story of how those photos ended up being disseminated on the internet – represent the most debased instincts of humanity. I gave in and looked, thinking they couldn’t be that bad. I was wrong.

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