Cyber Security Articles & News

Kevin Mitnick: An interview on Trump, Russians, and blockchain with the world’s most famous hacker

Kevin Mitnick was once the world’s most wanted hacker. He broke into 40 major companies for the challenge of it, and he eventually got caught in a spectacular cat-and-mouse game. He did five years in prison, including a year in solitary confinement because the judge in his case was told that he might be able to launch nuclear weapons from a payphone.

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WATCH: A hacker explains why Trump using his old Android phone for Twitter could be a huge security threat

Trump continues to use his old Android phone to Tweet, according to a report in The New York Times, but this could pose a security risk. Kevin Mitnick, one of the country's most notorious hackers and author of the book "The Art of Invisibility," explains why. 

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