Cyber Security Articles & News

I Got Hacked So You Don’t Have To

From the horrible Hollywood hacks of 2014 to John Podesta's emails, hackers aren't feverishly trying to sneak into your computer. They're coming up with better ways to convince you to let them in. So Sarah Jeong invited a hacker in to see exactly how it's done.

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The Changing Role of the White Hat Hacker

The word “hacker” existed long before it entered the public consciousness as a reason to practice good cybersecurity habits. It goes back to the 1960s, where computer culture was developing at MIT. The Jargon File, a glossary for computer programmers established in 1975, has eight definitions for hacker (or nine, if you include the hat tip to the original meaning of the term as “someone who makes furniture with an axe”).

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