Spring Programs Will Solve Mysteries

“Mystery” may be the keyword for the Library’s spring program schedule, ranging from the mystery of faith and science to solving mysteries with forensic science.

Programs include Baylor anthropologist Lori Baker, who founded the International Consortium for Forensic Identification for Reuniting Families Project. She identifies the remains of human rights victims, which enables authorities to return the remains to the families and gain closure. Baker’s March 16 program “Death, Forensic Science, and Reuniting Families” will launch the Spring exhibition Connecting the Dots: The History and Science of CSI.

Our May speaker, Kevin Mitnick, is an internationally-known reformed computer hacker who now tests security for corporations and governments. He, along with retired FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza, will discuss the growing threat of cyber security and how individuals can protect themselves in “The Art of Invisibility.”

To help high school students better understand the opportunities in forensic science, we will offer “How Do I Become a Forensic Scientist” as our Second Saturday conversation on April 8.
On March 29, Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, will discuss his work and the intersection of faith and science, and how the nature of that relationship has changed. Consolmagno was appointed director for the Vatican Observatory in 2015 and is President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation.

This spring’s Paul D. Bartlett Sr. lecturer is Andrew Berry, Harvard University Professor of Evolutionary Biology. Berry is the author or co-author of two books, Infinite Tropics and DNA. The Bartlett lecture is at 7 p.m. on April 6 in the Library’s Main Reading Room, and the general public can register for tickets on March 16.  The event is sponsored by the Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Kansas City, the Princeton Alumni Association of Greater Kansas City, and the Yale Club of Kansas City. Look for information in upcoming issues of the Express.

Source: Linda Hall Library

Topics: security tests, Speaking Engagements, The Art of Invisibility, DNA, History and Science of CSI, Infinite Tropics, Vatican Observatory, Jeff Lanza, Kansas City, Linda Hall Library, Lori Baker, Reuniting Families Project, anthropologist, Brother Guy Consolmangno, Consortium for Forensic Identification, Andrew Barry, Forensic Science, Kevin Mitnick

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