SEE LIVE: 7 awesome things you’ll learn at SpiceWorld 2017

Every year, thousands of IT pros and tech marketers descend upon Austin, Texas to talk about tech at our IT conference, SpiceWorld (where everything IT connects!). And if you attend, you'll experience not only awesome parties and networking with your peers over a beer or three, you'll also have the opportunity to see great presentations put on by IT professionals in the know.

At SpiceWorld 2017, attendees will soak in practical know-how during dozens of sessions led by both Spiceworks employees and IT pros "in the trenches," just like you. This year will be no exception, and we have a fantastic lineup of dozens of presentations. 

Below is a small sampling of the great sessions you can catch at SpiceWorld Austin 2017:

Awesome things you'll learn at SpiceWorld 2017

1. All about PowerShell with Jeffrey Snover (and friends)

If you're going to learn about something, you might as well go to the source. Jeffrey Snover is the inventor of Windows PowerShell, the super useful object-based automation engine, scripting language, and command-line shell. Mr Snover will present no less than three times at SpiceWorld, in both beginner and advanced-level sessions.  Additionally, you can also check out two more IT pro-led PowerShell sessions that will help you better manage Active Directory and security on your network.

2. Security tips from world-famous hacker turned security consultant, Kevin Mitnick

Learn about the latest hacks and cyber threats from Kevin Mitnick, "the world's most famous hacker, bestselling author, and the top cyber security speaker." Once one of the FBI's Most Wanted because he hacked into 40 major corporations just for the challenge, Kevin now serves as a security consultant to Fortune 500 companies and governments. Still on the top of his game, Kevin boasts being able to (legally) penetrate the security of any system his company is paid to hack into, using a combination of technical exploits and social engineering.

 3. Project management skills every IT pro needs 

The news headlines are full of stories of projects that have crashed miserably or gone extremely over budget. It’s reported that 75% of business and IT executives anticipate their project will fail. Don't be a statistic! In this session, learn why projects fail and the secrets to avoiding these same pitfalls so you can achieve successful project outcomes. This session will cover the seven must-have project management skills every SpiceHead needs to ensure projects work, and are completed within scope, on time, and without breaking the budget.

  4. How to rock a one-man IT department

If you work in a small IT department, you encounter unique work challenges. IT pros in SMBs have to know everything, be everywhere, and keep systems running within the constraints of a limited, and often small, budget. Since we haven't yet invented a way to alter the space-time continuum or grow money on trees, this useful session will teach you how to more effectively keep the network up, be innovative, and provide a high level of service to users ... without giving up all of your free time or burning out.

 5. How to get the most out of Office 365

If you only use Office 365 for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and the e-mail functions of Outlook, you might be missing out. By attending this session, you'll discover more about working with Office 365 Groups, OneNote, Planner and how they all work well together. Once you have these tools incorporated in your organization, they will grow like weeds throughout, possibly making collaboration easier than ever.

 6. How to "upgrade" your job title and advance your IT career

You might be able to do your current job blindfolded with one arm tied behind your back, but do you know how to get to the next level in your career?  In this session, learn how to move past being simply the IT guy or gal that users call when their computers break down. In this session, learn how to become a valued member of the company whose opinions are valued, and how to become an integral part of the company planning and budgeting processes.

 7. How to prevent the dark forces of shadow IT 

Shadow IT, or employees making tech decisions behind the IT department's back, puts businesses at risk even if employers don't realize it. In this session, discover ways you can leverage technology policies to prevent end users from engaging in shadow IT. In addition, find out how to IT departments can utilize communication, transparency, and agility to maintain a healthy relationship with management in order to prevent shadow IT at the organizational level too.

  And so much more ...

If these sessions alone weren't reason enough to attend SpiceWorld, know that there will be dozens more sessions to help you get your learn on. Check out the full SpiceWorld session lineup for more details. If you're looking to learn more about what else you can expect at the event, make sure to check out the official SpiceWorld page.

Also, don't just take it from us that SpiceWorld is great, past attendees really love the show and have told us so time and time again. If you have questions, or if you want to connect with other attendees before the big day, make sure to check out the SpiceWorld forum. And finally, if you're looking to register make sure to do it soon to lock in a great price at $399 until August 25th (meals, snacks, and happy hours included!).

For more information and to see Kevin live register here.

Source: spiceworks

Topics: Social Engineering, Speaking Engagements, penetration testing, cyber risks, Jeffrey Snover, Office 365, PowerShell, security consultant, IT pros, SpiceWorld 2017, Texas, Austin, project management, Kevin Mitnick

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