Fintech gains the trust of customers

The non-bank online banking sector, although relatively young, is developing very dynamically in Poland. Borrowers are often young people (under 35 years of age) who, despite regular income, due to restrictive requirements prevailing in banks, can not get a loan to start or develop their business. Therefore, they are forced to seek financing in loan companies.

This trend is also perfectly matched by millennials, that is a generation of people born in the last 20 years of the 20th century. Currently, they constitute over 1/3 of the entire population in the world. According to PwC forecasts, millennials in 2020 will constitute half of the global labor force, and according to Deloitte until 2025, they will take over 75%. the entire labor market.

Millennials brought up by technology

From the report "Millennials in SMEs. Under a magnifying glass, "developed by the European Leasing Fund shows that the measure of success for the Y generation is financial stability (89 percent). And stability of the family (87 percent.). From their financial service providers expect above all the simplicity, convenience and speed. - New technologies are revolutionizing the way the millennials think about their finances, the generation that has grown up online and digital relations is also looking for in the finance sector , but it turns out that not only do young people want to be online. spent on the web, so we also have clients whose pesele start with the number 4 - says Alexander Widera, founder of the credit platform.Thanks to their technological awareness, young consumers are eager to decide on internet and mobile loans needed to quickly finalize the transaction. Taking into account all these factors, the priority remains for the market to work safely for the consumer - adds Hubert Rachwalski, CEO of Nethone - a solution provider of KYU, which helps reduce the risk of professional financial fraud.

An ecosystem that supports fintechs

- We devoted three years to creating Nethone Guard, which is based on proprietary methods of profiling users in online channels and on artificial intelligence. Thanks to this, today we offer a solution that increases the security of the process of granting credit products on the network , while drastically reducing the cost of credit verification - continues Hubert Rachwalski.

In the era of strong competition on the financial market and a wide range of entities whose clients can compare and change like gloves, fintechs can gain a competitive advantage thanks to specialization. - Focusing on one area allows small businesses to achieve in it a special expertise that can not be afforded by large institutions with many different products and services. This in turn allows you to create an ecosystem that I believe in - explains Alexander Widera.

The Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS conference will be divided into three thematic zones: FINTECH, LIFE SCIENCE, BUSINESS 4.0. and DIGITAL POLAND STAGE . During two days, which will be attended by up to 1000 people from the world of media, science, marketing and business, there are speeches, debates and workshops with speakers, including Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker and author of books, or Igor Bogicevic, CTO and founder of Seven Bridges Genomics, a company that builds a database of genomes.

In addition, there will appear: the creators of AeroMobil, a company creating flying cars , Thomas Krogh Jensen, managing director of Copenhagen FinTech, an organization that wants to create in the capital of Denmark a fintech hub for the financial industry or Atanas Raykov, Director of Business Development CIS & CEE in Viber, a company offering popular messenger around the world. The conference will also be attended by prof. Felix Oberholzer-Gee, responsible at Harvard Business School for research on business strategies, especially in the field of media.

What is Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS

This is a conference at which trends on the global market will be discussed. During the meeting world-class experts will answer how the modern world of finance, media, new technologies, medicine and health is changing and what the world will be living in the next 2-3 years .

INSIDE TRENDS is to be one of the most important events regarding business trends in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The event is organized by Business Insider Polska, the second largest platform in the BI portfolio in terms of size and scope.

Source: Business Insider Polska

Topics: Speaking Engagements, technology, Poland, finance, flying carsmedia, Health, Inside Trends conference, internet and mobile loans, labor force, millennials, Nethone Guard, Prague, Medicine, genomes AeroMobil, Kevin Mitnick

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