Cyber Security Articles & News

Password Management Best Practices: How Secure Are Password Managers?

Password managers are convenient tools for storing, organizing, and accessing passwords. But are they safe from cyber attacks?

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What Is Credential Harvesting and How Do Threat Actors Pull It Off?

Credential harvesting, otherwise known as credential compromising or credential theft, can be a highly devastating cyber threat. It also happens to be very successful, as over 79% of business accounts were compromised by threat actors using credential harvesting tactics, such as credential phishing.

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Everything You Need To Know About Mitnick's Crack-in-the-Box Password Cracker

Password cracking is a popular method used by hackers worldwide to ultimately gain access to sensitive data, making it vital for organizations to ensure their passwords are strong enough to withstand the most advanced password-cracking hacks.

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Password Spraying Attacks: Technique and Prevention

Many organizations have cyber security measures in place to prevent threat actors from breaching defenses and launching their attacks. However, there may be a gaping hole in your organization’s security: untrained employees. 

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4 Key Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

In today’s world, using single-factor authentication (SFA) such as a lone password or a PIN number to access private data may no longer cut it. With the rise of cyber security threats — including an increasing number of ransomware attacks — it may be time to explore steps you can take to level up your organization’s cybersecurity.

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An Overview of the 2021 JBS Meat Supplier Ransomware Attack

Over the last weekend of May 2021, the world's largest meat supplier became a victim of a malicious cyber attack. 

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What is Multi-Factor Authentication & How Does it Work?

It seems that everything we use these days requires a password. From email and social media accounts to everything in between, we always need a password to gain access. 

But it isn't as simple as just coming up with one password and using it for everything. At least, it would be best if you weren't doing that...

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8 Password Security Tips from Kevin Mitnick for Better Login Protection

When is the last time you truly considered your password strength and security? While password cracks don’t make the news quite as often as other breaches, they can compromise your systems all-the-same.

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