Cyber Security Articles & News

The Growth of Third-Party Software Supply Chain Cyber Attacks

When testing your employees' social engineering readiness, your teams need simulated attacks that feel as if they’re coming from a nefarious engineer. This means testing that directly simulates a threat actor’s processes and attack patterns.

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Understanding Post-Inoculation Cybersecurity Attack Vectors

If you’ve recently improved your cybersecurity posture, you should know that the work to protect your company’s data is not over.

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What is a Red Hat Hacker?

Cyber attackers shouldn’t all be painted with the same brush. There are many different types, all with separate motivations and some with specific tactics for hacking. While white and black hat hackers are the most common, a red hat hacker’s approach is interesting and unique. 

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Common Hacking Techniques in 2023 and Predictions for 2024

Threat actors are typically after two things from your business: data or money. Usually, they’re motivated by both, as data can help them cash in at the expense of your business. In fact, in 2023, cyber attacks are estimated to amount to $8 trillion in total costs.

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Cyber Security Risks of Remote Employee Offboarding

Remote work options are popular trends that provide flexibility for the employee and potentially a less expensive option for the employer. However, remote work devices can pose a real threat to your organization, especially after recent layoffs or organizational restructuring. We’ll explore the potential vulnerabilities caused by unprotected devices as well as data breach prevention techniques to keep your organization’s private data secure.

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The Difference Between Internal and External Penetration Testing & When To Consider Both Options

Although routine scans and assessments are necessary to identify surface-level vulnerabilities, it’s crucial to get a holistic view of your organization’s security posture through in-depth testing. 

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What Are the Biggest Cyber Security Threats to Your Business?

Cyber security threats can come in multiple forms. Recently, ABC News reported that threat actors accessed user account information from Facebook’s parent company Meta by pretending to be law enforcement officials. This cyber attack — a form of social engineering — although surprising, was not unprecedented. 

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How Social Engineering Can Affect an Organization

Organizations around the world are enrolled in security awareness training programs and taught to look out for cybercriminals who are using a hacking technique called social engineering

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An Overview of the 2021 Twitch Live Streaming Data Breach

Online video gamers everywhere had their eyes and ears on the news, curious to learn more about their popular live streaming service Twitch and its recent data breach. 

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6 Questions to Ask Before Beginning Red Team Pentesting

If you’ve conducted a few successful penetration tests already, you may be wondering, “what’s next?”

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