This is one of the biggest challenges for companies in the mobile era

Written by Mitnick Security | Oct 17, 2018 12:00:00 AM

Arkadiusz Wójcik, vice president of IT and Mobile at Samsung Electronics Polska, told us what is one of the greatest challenges for businesses in the digital era - and how it changes the attitude towards employees. Arkadiusz Wójcik will be one of the speakers of the Inside Trends conference.

The Business Insider INSIDE TRENDS conference will be divided into three thematic zones: FINTECH, LIFE SCIENCE and BUSINESS 4.0. During two days, which will be attended by up to 1000 people from the world of media, science, marketing and business, there are speeches, debates and workshops with speakers, including Kevin Mitnick, the world's most famous hacker and author of books, or Igor Bogicevic, CTO and founder of Seven Bridges Genomics, a company that builds a database of genomes.

HERE BUY A TICKET FOR THE INSIDE TRENDS CONFERENCE . In addition, there will appear: the creators of AeroMobil, a company creating flying cars, Thomas Krogh Jensen, managing director of Copenhagen FinTech, an organization that wants to create in the capital of Denmark a fintech hub for the financial industry or Atanas Raykov, Director of Business Development CIS & CEE in Viber, a company offering popular messenger around the world. The conference will also be attended by prof. Felix Oberholzer-Gee, responsible at Harvard Business School for research on business strategies, especially in the field of media.

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